Becca Bamberg, LMT, CCT, OBMT#18449
Innsæi. Supporting healing from within



Innsæi is Icelandic meaning "intuition." I was inspired by the film InnSæi in which the filmmakers describe the Icelandic perception of innsæi. With multiple meanings, from “the sea within” which is the borderless nature of our inner world, a constantly moving world of vision, feelings and imagination beyond words to meaning “to see within” which means to know yourself, and to know yourself well enough to be able to put yourself in other people’s shoes to meaning “to see from the inside out” which is to have a strong inner compass to navigate your way in our ever-changing world, the film described the heart and soul of my practice.

As a Licensed Massage Therapist, certified in Cupping Therapies, I seek to intuitively employ a variety of massage techniques based on research and science to customize your massage specifically to your needs.  Whether you have been involved in a motor vehicle collision, are recovering from an on the job injury or just dealing with life's stressors, I'll come along side you. Together we will work with your body toward healthier movement.

As an Aromatherapist, trained in evidence-based research, I seek to support your body and help you reach your goals. Whether it's creating a custom, personal product or helping you make sense out of the overwhelming amount of essential oil misinformation out there, I can help you find what works for you.

Every body seeks homeostasis, or  balance, and has the innate ability to heal from within.  When one part is injured or working improperly, the other parts are affected causing pain, dysfunction, illness and discomfort.  Your body has an innate ability to heal.  Massage therapy techniques and aromatherapy encourage that intuition, your innsæi;  supporting homeostasis and healing in amazing ways.